Volk Communications

Phone: (302) 538-5181
Cell: (302) 222-2645
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the right writer for your project:

Ann Volk, Owner

About Us

With over 15 years of experience in medical communications, Ann Volk has written for such companies as Johnson & Johnson, CoMed Communications, Trinity Communications, and Deardorff Associates before launching her medical writing company, Volk Medical Communications, in 2001.

Over the past decade, Ann has built solid relationships with many resources to offer the best in medical writing to her clients. Ann’s areas of expertise, among many, include developing sales training modules, creating leader’s and participant’s guides for live training events, creating online courses for pharmaceutical sales representatives, producing multimedia training programs, developing patient education materials, and writing newsletter and journal supplement articles.

Learn more about Ann’s professional background

Volk Medical Communications

Our Team can assist with writing projects that target your audience’s needs with clear, concise, and cutting edge medical writing. We cover multiple therapeutic areas and produce high quality materials for print, eLearning, and live platforms.

Contact us to get your project started.



Get the information you need to hire, the right writer for your project.