Volk Communications

Phone: (302) 538-5181
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Read about what our clients say about us.

"Ann is a dedicated, detailed, organized, and “willing to go the extra mile for the client” type of company. I worked with Ann on a very complex, and challenging, training project. She was always professional and solution oriented. I would recommend Ann for any freelance medical writing project."

—Cammy Voyles, President, CBV Consulting, LLC

"Ann is wonderful to work with! She bends over backwards to ensure the end product is done right. She knows what questions to ask and consistently makes recommendations to improve the final result. Ann’s professionalism with clients is hard to surpass and I commend her for delivering such superior work."

—Jessica Thompson

"Ann is knowledgeable about her craft and subject matter. First drafts are so complete and on target that they almost look like final copy. Ann is highly professional and can speak the language, and understand the nuances, of the specialized field of medical writing."

—Amy Binder, Principal, AMY INK

"I've worked with Ann during several pharmaceutical launches where timelines are quite unforgiving. She always delivered excellent work and met every deadline, including when only an hour was given for revised drafts. Ann is a great writer in both sales and clinical situations."

—Catherine Smith



Get the information you need to hire, the right writer for your project.