Volk Communications

Phone: (302) 538-5181
Cell: (302) 222-2645
Linkedin Profile

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does Volk Medical Communications accept rush jobs? A: We gladly accept rush projects and will work with your tight deadline to deliver top quality work. Fees will be discussed upon details of your project.

Q: Where can I see writing samples? A: View Volk Medical Communications’ Portfolio

Q: How do I contact Volk Medical Communications? A: You can reach us at:

Phone: (302) 678-3609
Cell: (302) 222-2645
302 Kentland Avenue
Dover DE 19901

Q: What does Volk Medical Communications charge? A: We mostly charge by the project. We are also happy to discuss hourly fees. Contact us for a quote and get your project moving.



Get the information you need to hire, the right writer for your project.